Seo Team Nov 06, 2023 . 11 months ago

Get genital herpes medication & treatment online

Get genital herpes medication & treatment online

Genital herpes is a sexual infection. It is frequently associated with herpes simplex virus. That is somewhat a viral infection caused by the Herpes virus that is spread through sexual contact. Telehealth services offer online medication for this disease. It is convenient for all those individuals who feel shy to disclose such disorder physically. For all such patients, telecare is a confidential option.


This sexual ailment is highly contagious. This medical issue is transmitted through sexual activity such as oral, anal, or vaginal sex resulting in pain around the genitals. This sexually transmitted infection affects the mental and physical health of a person. Thousands of individuals suffer from this disease every year. It has a prominent impact on the health of a person. Both males and females have a significant outcome of it. This disease usually persists in sexually active individuals. Telehealth services offer online treatment of genital herpes.

Understanding Genital Herpes

This ailment is simply a sexually transmitted infection that is passed on through sexual activity with your partner via oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal sex when rough sexual contact is followed. Its symptoms include burning, rash, itching, or milky discharge from the genital area. Telecare services provide the online treatment of STI which is quite trending in the modern age. It is more convenient and comfortable to communicate with healthcare professionals remotely. Most people feel shy and uncomfortable interacting physically with medical officers regarding sexually transmitted diseases. HSV is a bacterial infection that is transmitted from one person to the other through sexual intercourse. It is a virus named as herpes simplex virus. This sexual disorder is carried through sharing sex toys with the partner or through sexual intercourse. Patients with genital herpes have mild symptoms and sometimes no symptoms at all. It’s essential to get regular checkups to have safe sexual health. There are several symptoms of this infection, which include:

  • White discharge from the penis
  • Pain in the testes
  • Bleeding from the vagina after sex

Remember, when you are sexually active, you need to have regular checkups for safe sexual health. It can lead to severe health disorders for both men and women if left untreated. 

Traditional vs. Online Treatment Options

Both physical and online genital herpes treatment have their benefits. Here is a brief note that differentiates these treatment options are listed:
Traditional treatment plans refer to physical appointments with specialist doctors or health officers. These appointments involve visiting the doctor at their clinic or hospital for proper consultation of the illness. This is a face-to-face interaction with medical experts who examine the patient physically. These visits are popular for all those ailments that require physical checkups and procedures on site of healthcare officers.
E-healthcare consultation is a telehealth communication via the digital web. Remote consultation is quite popular among those who feel shy and anxious about physical checkups. Even patients suffering from STIs feel embarrassed to talk about such sensitive topics physically like sexual health, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. It's time a time-saving approach for minor and sensitive ailments as compared to in-person visits. After the pandemic, 76% of people in the United States use telehealth services.

Benefits of Online Genital Herpes Treatment

  • Telehealth services provide numerous benefits of herpes medication digitally that are as follows:
  • Telehealth services are convenient and confidential. You need not go out to any health center for the analysis of sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • Telecare services provide a quick connection with the doctor. You can confidentially share your health concerns with the remote doctor.
  • You can easily get connected with any sexologist or sexual health expert through telehealth services.
  • Based on the symptoms of genital herpes, the doctor usually asks for a sample to diagnose the infection.
  • The providers of telehealth services provide a testing kit at your doorstep for the quick and accurate analysis of the disease.
  • Telecare providers provide testing kits with return packaging. 
  • Remote testing is flexible for all such infections caused by sexual activity. 
  • Online testing is affordable as it serves to save travel time and cost that is required to reach any health center for the analysis of this sexual infection.

How Online Genital Herpes Treatment Works

  • Herpes online treatment is confidential and private. Here are a few steps for how genital herpes treatment digitally works:
  • First, search out a secure certified portal that provides the services of the online testing system. Try to find a reputable platform that secures your data. Check the reviews of the previous patients to have an idea of how this specific portal works for the patients.
  • Consult with the healthcare provider regarding your medical history.
  • You need to get connected with the health specialist through a secure portal like Dr. Bentley.
  • Based on your history, the doctor will ask for an online test. The health provider will guide you properly regarding the online test kit by providing that kit remotely.
  • A simple urine test or swab test is needed for the accurate diagnosis of the infection
  • Collect a sample return it with proper packaging and seek the doctor’s advice regarding your sexual health concern.
  • You can easily get access to online chlamydia medication from a virtual health expert.

Safety and Regulations

Online health portals like Dr. Bentley offer various telehealth services for sexually transmitted diseases. These platforms are quite safe and convenient. You can get access to any healthcare specialist from the comfort of your home. Telecare platforms are confidential for sexually transmitted disease patients, especially those suffering from genital herpes. Telehealth services enable you to get connected with a healthcare specialist regarding your specific concern and get your herpes prescription online.

Common Medications for Genital Herpes

There are numerous plans for treating genital herpes. Several medications are used to cure outbreaks. These medical treatments are beneficial in reducing the risk of STIs. commonly used drug therapies are listed as:

  • You can use topical antiviral ointments to heal the outbreaks.
  • TAcyclovir and penciclovir ointments are applied to the affected area of the genitals. These creams support early healing of the infection. 
  • Zovirax formula is available in various creams and tablets. It is up to you whether you feel okay to take a tablet or apply the cream. Both of these are effective in the herpes treatment.
  • Doctors often recommend valacyclovir as an antiviral drug. These drugs are suitable for treating herpes infection.   

The choice of treatment depends on the condition of the infection. 

How to Choose the Right Online Provider

Selecting the right online health provider is crucial. Here are various steps that will assist you in receiving secure medical care.

Search out a well-reputed provider 

When you find out that you have STI symptoms, you need to search a reputable E-commerce provider that offers STI treatment with an accurate testing kit for sexually transmitted diseases.

Certification and Authorization 

Verify that the online site is authorized and its healthcare professionals are certified.

Privacy and encryption 

Confirm that the platform is encrypted and prioritize the safety of the patients in terms of their personal data and medical information.

Check the reviews 

It is essential to check the reviews of previous remote patients to evaluate their experience with healthcare providers.

Test and Treatment 

Ensure the availability and accuracy of testing kits and treatment procedures. Self-diagnosis must be avoided as healthcare experts ensure to provide the best treatment for you.

FAQs About Genital Herpes Treatment Online

People usually ask certain questions about chlamydia
What is herpes simplex virus?
What are the causes of this infection?
Is it curable?
How does it spread?
Is genital herpes a serious disease?
What is the first symptom of it?
What are the symptoms of genital herpes in females and males?
How to test it remotely?
What is the best virtual doctor for this sexually transmitted disease?
What is the treatment of this infection?
Is there any online treatment for this illness?
What are the secure online platforms that treat this infection?
What are the charges of a telecare specialist?

Why choose Doctor Bentley for Genital Herpes?

Dr. Bentley is an accredited and licensed online portal that offers the services of STD testing accurately. Health professionals and sexologists of Dr. Bentley are well-reputed and authorized medical consultants. Bentley health care providers provide the testing kit at your home. It is, no doubt, an excellent option for all those suffering from STDs as Dr. Bentley is a highly approved online portal that has remarkable expertise in sexual health. Many STD patients have shared their reviews and experiences with these specific healthcare officers. Its rating is high because of its confidentiality as it secures the private information of its patients potentially. It works like a virtual assistant as it offers telehealth services for consultation with medical officers conveniently and peacefully. Doctor Bentley brings expert healthcare providers to your screen around the globe. It is a secure and certified online STD Consultation portal where you can get access to any healthcare professional regarding your sexual health. In the progressive world, one feels at ease to consult the doctor online. Online portals like Dr. Bentley are great sources of saving both money and time. If you are facing any of the sexually transmitted infections and diseases caused by such infections, you need to get a checkup as early as possible so it cannot spread to the other person. It’s really important to communicate with your virtual health experts openly to receive the best guidance for your overall well-being. 


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